Photo of Robert Calabrese

Robert Calabrese



Headphones, Studio Monitors, Studio Subwoofers, PA Speakers, PA Subwoofers, PA Systems.



  • Completed a Bachelor of Business & Commerce degree with a double major in Electronic Commerce and Marketing from Monash University.
  • Worked in the Digital Marketing industry since 2005.
  • Started a Digital Marketing Agency in 2009 as sole Director.
  • Founded and written for Home DJ Studio since 2017.
  • Hobbyist DJ since 1999.
  • Experienced writer and editor specializing in studio and live performance equipment.
  • Has written extensively on topics about studio monitors, PA systems, loudspeakers and subwoofers.
  • Detailed product reviews featured on various manufacturer websites.
  • Further skilled in SEO, marketing and business development.


From a very young age I was influenced by music theory as part of my education and played a variety of instruments.

As I stepped into my teenage years, electronic music took over and my ambition for DJing began.

Before DJ controllers were readily available, I remember playing around with DJing software and mixing tracks. Cueing tracks without headphones made this very tricky!

Eventually I purchased my first DJ controller in my late teens and to this day still love the feeling I get when jumping on the decks.

Over the years I’ve added a variety of new equipment to my setup and branched into studio and live performance gear.

Constantly buying and using new equipment drove my passion to research and understand what was available in the market.

It was through this process that Home DJ Studio was born as I found there was a lack of good quality information on the equipment I wanted.

Having completed a Bachelor of Business & Commerce, starting my own Digital Marketing Agency and working in the industry since 2005, I felt confident about starting a website around one of my true passions.

When Home DJ Studio first launched, my focus leaned towards Search Engine Optimization (SEO), marketing and business development.

These days I regularly contribute as an author mainly writing about studio and live performance equipment. I’m also the lead content strategist and chief editor.

Outside of work I’m lucky enough to live by the beach and enjoy going fishing, beach walks with my dog and a round of golf.